European Standards for Vocational Training in Urban Regeneration

Our partnership aims at establishing proper and reliable standards of vocational training in integrated urban regeneration. The principle is to provide a basis for thinking about urban regeneration and therefore the partnership involves academics and practitioners. We would like to achieve through provision of manuals containing examples of best practices in urban regeneration form Europe. The project is funded by the Leonardo da Vinci fund to develop a strong partnership and framework for future collaboration; however we are planning to expand the project through a different stream of funding.

In the first year of the project partners exchange know-how in field of urban regeneration as a interdisciplinary subject of didactic and vocational activity, comprising heritage management, financial aspects of regeneration projects, GIS analysis, sustainability and innovative applied urban conservation methods. The main approach will be continuous dialogue between partner institutions during meetings, mutual visits and through exchange of didactic and training materials.

During the second year of the project the partners will develop manuals for practitioners from each partner country focused on different aspects of urban regeneration, based on the most up to date case studies from each partner. This approach will ensure that partners can present good examples of practice in their countries and provide an opportunity to think how these could work in other places.

The final manuals should form a basis for programmes of vocational training and for formulation of uniform standards for vocational training in the field of urban regeneration. Its particular value is in focus on the World Heritage Site Cities, which are required to maintain highly effective management regimes in order to meet standards set up by the Word Heritage Committee, not only in spatial terms, but also social, concerning outreach schemes. The outcomes of the project will be translated into native languages of each partner.

Monday, 17 March 2014

World Heritage: Shared Heritage Event

prepared by Edinburgh World Heritage
World Heritage Day is celebrated around the globe, and offers an opportunity to raise the public's awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it.
Here in Edinburgh we are taking shared heritage as our theme. The event will explore the benefits that World Heritage brings to all members of the community, with contributions from expert speakers and panel discussion.
To register and for more information click here

Venue details: 

World Heritage: Shared Heritage
Wednesday 16 April 2014, 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JQ

The event is kindly supported by Historic Scotland.



Sue Bruce, Chief Executive, City of Edinburgh Council
Sue Bruce is Chief Executive of City of Edinburgh Council having been previously Chief Executive at Aberdeen City Council and East Dunbartonshire Council.  Sue Bruce holds an M.Phil. Politics/Government and LL.B (Scots Law) from the University of Strathclyde, a Diploma in Youth & Community Studies from Jordanhill College of Education and Cert. Strategic Public Sector Negotiation  from the John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.  She is an Elected Fellow of the RSA (FRSA).
In May 2010 and again in May 2011 Sue received the Prince’s Business Ambassador award from HRH The Prince Charles, in October 2010 received the Scottish Public Sector Leader of the Year Award and in November 2013 she was named Chief Executive of the Year in the Hr NETWORK National Awards.

Lloyd Anderson, Director, British Council Scotland
Lloyd has had a range of senior UK and overseas roles for the Council.  Most recently, he had assignments as Director Georgia and Deputy Director Russia, and previously was Director Science for the British Council globally. In Georgia, he maintained a growing business despite grant reductions, involving fundraising, partnerships and new business opportunities.  In Russia he led his team to develop new partnerships and programmes in innovative areas, and focused on identifying potential partners.  As Director Science from 1998, he gave strategic leadership to the Council’s global work in science, contributed to the Council’s reputation as a world authority, and networked at senior level with the UK science community and government.

Monday, 3 March 2014

REAL CORP 2014: “PLAN IT SMART” Clever Solutions for Smart Cities

19th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development and Information Society
GeoMultimedia 2014

21-23 May 2014
Austrian Economic Chambers
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, 1040 Vienna, Austria

About REAL CORP Conferences
REAL CORP conferences are held annually since 1996. About 400-500 experts from around the world from the fields of urban planning, transport planning, information and communication technologies, architecture, social and environmental sciences, real estate, GIS, surveying and remote sensing and more meet to discuss the latest tasks and topics on urban planning, regional development and information society in an international and extremely interdisciplinary conference.

About 180 expert lectures, presentations, round table discussions, workshops and small exhibitions will be offered on the conference days, composed by a traditional extensive social programme.

More information available on